Punyam - Be a Temple Builder

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build the prestigious & one-and-only Agamic monument in Arizona - Donate

“Providing help that we could for a good cause is called Punya (Meritorious) Karma. Temple Renovation, Reconstruction, Kumbabhishekam, etc. are all considered extremely noble deeds. We all should do whatever we can towards these and earn Punya Karma. Whatever we offer, it may be a brick, but as long as that brick is there in that temple, we will spend that much time (thousands of years) in Kailash or Vaikuntham.”

-Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekara Saraswathi Swami

Donate Bricks to Temple Agamic Construction ...

Punya Karma
from $31.00
Donate Bricks:
I Want to Do a Punya Karma

Agamic Evolution of Maha Ganapati Temple of Arizona

All buildings cannot become temples, nor can mere statues become the centers of energy. The science of Agama & Shilpa shastra throws light on formal methods of creating spiritually charged spaces & deities.  The construction of Maha Ganapati Temple has followed the strict guidelines of of agama and shilpa shastra under the expert guidance of Padmashri Muthiah Sthapathi.